- 2011 Multicultural Health Communication Awards Winners
NSW Health organisations, NGOs and individuals that have promoted quality and excellence in the production of multilingual health resources to culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities in Sydney have been recognised Thursday 28th July in an award ceremony of the 2011 Multicultural Health Communication Awards.
President of the Legislative Council Don Harwin together with NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service Director Peter Todaro presented the winners of their categories at the Jubilee Room at the Parliament House.
Mr Harwin congratulated the 13 award winners.
”The resources that are being recognized will continue to encourage good practice in multicultural health communication, ensuring that bilingual resources are promoted and distributed”.
President Harwin also paid tribute to Mr Todaro and his team for their work and commitment in running the Awards as the program serves an important role in breaking down the barriers at make accessing services for culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities.
Mr Todaro says that the purpose of the Multicultural Health Communication Awards, presented every 2 years, focuses on the positive contribution of individuals, groups, government and non-government organisations who continue to dedicate their services to fulfil the needs of multicultural communities in NSW to produce excellent multilingual resources.
He adds “MHCS is proud to announce that on its 6th successful year, the Awards drew in a record breaking 28 applications proving that more organisations are acknowledging the needs of ethnic groups for useful in language resources”.
Approximately 100 people were in attendance at the Awards ceremony with special guests including area health managers, multicultural health workers, community organisation representatives and ethnic media.
2011 Multicultural Health Communication Awards Photo Gallery
Title of Resource |
Calling an Ambulance |
Type of Resource |
Organisation |
Ambulance Service of NSW and NSW Adult Migrant English Program (AMES) |
Summary |
This learning resource was developed through a partnership between the NSW Adult Migrant English Service (NSW AMES) and the Ambulance Service of New South Wales. The Calling an Ambulance resource aims to equip people from non-English speaking backgrounds with the skills and confidence to call Triple Zero (000) in a medical emergency. The activities in the resource are based on authentic Triple Zero (000) phone calls and Ambulance information. They are aligned to learning outcomes in the Certificates I, II & III in Spoken and Written English (NSW AMES 2007). |
Languages |
Arabic, Bengali, Chinese (traditional), Dari, Hindi, Indonesian, Korean, Lebanese (Arabic), Persian (Farsi), Thai and Vietnamese |
To Order Copy | Susan Strmecki T. 02 9320 7799 E. sstrmecki@ambulance.nsw.gov.au |
Title of Resource |
Understanding pancreatic cancer: You are not alone |
Type of Resource |
Organisation |
Gill Batt and Helen Gooden, Cancer Information and Support Services, Cancer Council NSW |
Summary |
Pancreatic cancer is a disease characterised by low-incidence, but has high-morbidity and high-mortality. In partnership with the NSW Pancreatic Cancer Network (NSWPCN) and with part funding from Cancer Australia, Cancer Council NSW has developed a Multi-media Support Package for people affected by pancreatic cancer (unique in Australia) which includes a range of support services and information. |
Languages |
Arabic, Mandarin and Vietnamese. |
To Order Copy |
Gill Batt T. 02 9334 1874 E. gillb@nswcc.org.au |
Title of Resource |
I Have Asthma, A Colouring book for Children with Asthma |
Type of Resource |
Organisation | Amanda Thomsen, Department of Respiratory Medicine, Prince of Wales Hospital |
Summary |
This multilingual interactive “I have asthma colouring book” explains the asthma and its treatment for the cognitive development needs of children approximately four to eight years of age. It also aims to promote best practice asthma management by explaining that asthma is a condition that can be managed and that part of asthma management is regular reviews by the child’s doctor. The book also explains what to do in an asthma emergency. Parents and children can provide feedback via a tear-out Reply Paid form at the back of the colouring book. |
Languages |
Arabic, Chinese, Vietnamese, English |
To Order Copy |
Amanda Thomsen T. 02 9382 152 E. Amanda.thomsen@sesiahs.health.nsw.gov.au |
Title of Resource |
EAGLE – Eastwood and Gladesville Liquor Education Project |
Type of Resource |
Organisation |
Ryde Hornsby Health Promotion Unit |
Summary |
The EAGLE project was conducted by Ryde Hornsby Health Promotion Unit in partnership with Eastwood and Gladesville Liquor Accord (EGLA). Five posters were translated from the Office of Liquor Gaming and Racing into Chinese and Korean. |
Languages |
Chinese, English, Korean |
To Order Copy |
Carly Haynes T. 02 8877 5329 E. cehaynes@nsccahs.health.nsw.gov.au |
Title of Resource |
Healthy Older Person’s Safety (HOPS): Home Hazards - A Falls Prevention Tool |
Type of Resource |
Audio-Visual |
Organisation |
Melinda Dimarco and Nelly Tiga, Liverpool/Fairfield Aged Care & Rehabilitation and Older Persons Mental Health Service |
Summary |
Home Hazards is the first in a series of tools designed to assist health and community workers, who work with older people. It is also aimed to raise awareness of home hazards and to provide advice on the home modifications and adaptive aids in order to reduce the falls risk in and around the home environment. The DVD prominently highlights the strategy on how falls can be prevented, eliminated, or at the very least, mitigated. |
Languages |
Arabic, Assyrian, Cantonese, Filipino, Italian, Laotian, Polish, Spanish and Vietnamese |
To Order Copy |
Melinda Dimarco T. 02 9828 4867 |
Title of Resource |
Italian Language Pocket Guide |
Type of Resource |
Organisation |
Co.As.It. - Italian Association of Assistance Community Partners Program |
Summary |
This booklet is a guide to basic Italian words and phrases for aged care workers. For older Italians, English is not their first language and the language barrier is significant. The pocket guide is distributed to community care providers and residential care staff. |
Languages |
Italian and English |
To Order Copy |
Miriam Sonego T. 02 9564 0744 E. silvana.cibei@coasit.org.au |
itle of Resource |
CALD Patient falls prevention Fact sheet |
Type of Resource |
Organisation | Kathy Richardson, Falls Prevention Coordinator Population Health, Clinical Support Division Health Reform Transition Office Southern |
Summary | The fact sheet has been given to patients who have had a fall or are at risk of having a fall. It contains practical information to help patients recognise falls risk and reduce the chance of falling while they are in hospital and when they go home. When patients are admitted to hospital, a doctor, nurse or physiotherapist will ask them questions to find out what factors might affect their risk of having a fall in hospital. Telling their family or carer what these risks are can help prevent further falls. Staff is happy for patients to ask questions and ask for their help or arrange an interpreter, as they wish to prevent patients falling, while patients are in hospital and when patients go home. |
Languages |
Arabic, Assyrian, Cantonese, Filipino, Italian, Lao, Polish, Spanish and Vietnamese |
To Order Copy |
Kathy Richardson T. 02 4221 6764 |
Title of Resource |
Generic Medicines are an Equal Choice Campaign – CALD Radio Campaign |
Type of Resource |
Audio visual |
Organisation |
National Prescribing Service (NPS) |
Summary |
The National Prescribing Service's (NPS) Generic medicines are an equal choice campaign provides independent evidenced-based information about medicines. The aims of the campaign are to help people get to know about generic medicines and the choices people need to consider when deciding about medicines, and improve the awareness within the target groups that what is a generic medicine, the different between generic medicines and original branded medicines, also how people can make more informed medicines choices with the GP or Pharmacist. |
Languages |
Cantonese, Italian, Mandarin |
To Order Copy |
Carrie Sutherland T. 02 8217 8756 E. csutherland@nps.org.au |
Title of Resource |
Get to know the Australian Aged Care System: A Train-the-Trainer Community Training System |
Type of Resource |
Organisation | Monika Latanik, Western Sydney Multicultural Health Network, Health Reform Transition Office Western & Yvonne Santalucia, Area Multicultural Health Services, Community Health, Sydney and South West Sydney Local Health Networks |
Summary |
Due to unfamiliarity with the Australian Aged care System many individuals from CALD backgrounds can find it hard to navigate and access the system. This resource is a bilingual communication education program designed to deliver information about services that are mainly aimed at sustaining independence, empowering individuals with knowledge to best make competent decisions and to prevent avoidable crises. It is designed for older people and their carers from diverse communities. The program introduces age care services and the age care in a way that can be understood by CALD communities. |
Languages |
Arabic, Chinese, Croatian, Farsi, Filipino, Hindi, Khmer, Korean, Macedonian, Maltese, Samoan, Spanish, Tamil, Turkish and Vietnamese. |
To Order Copy |
Monika Latanik T. 02 8838 2175 E. Monika_Latanik@wsahs.nsw.gov.au |
Title of Resource |
Understanding pancreatic cancer: You are not alone |
Type of Resource |
Organisation |
Gill Batt and Helen Gooden, Cancer Information and Support Services, Cancer Council NSW |
Summary |
The booklet has been prepared to help people understand more about pancreatic cancer. The information in this booklet was developed with help from NSW Pancreatic Cancer Network, medical experts and people who have been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. The booklet is based on clinical practice guidelines for pancreatic cancer |
Languages |
Arabic, English, Mandarin and Vietnamese. |
To Order Copy |
Gill Batt T. 9334 1874 E. gillb@nswcc.org.au |
Title of Resource |
Using Ice? Seek Advice – Web Portal and USB Wristband |
Type of Resource |
Web site |
Organisation |
Drug and Alcohol Multicultural Education Centre (DAMEC) |
Summary |
This resource was developed after consulting with key stakeholders who identified that young people from CALD backgrounds are lacked of information about amphetamines and other drugs. This resource consists of a web portal with interactive features including details on: drugs and their effects, how to approach drug issues in your family and other useful links. This resource also includes a phone number for alcohol and drug information service (02) 9361 8000. Also included is a USB wristband with drug and rehabilitation information which can be plugged. |
Languages |
Arabic, English and Vietnamese |
To Order Copy |
Helen Sowey T. 02 9699 3552 E. Helen@damec.org.au |
Title of Resource |
Communicating with patients from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse backgrounds: Case Study: Ms Shu Fen Chen |
Type of Resource |
Audio visual |
Organisation |
Multicultural Health Service, NSW Health Transition Organisation Southern |
Summary |
This e-learning program is designed to enhance health care professional’s ability to communicate with culturally and linguistically diverse patients. Good communication skills and the ability to tailor health care delivery to meet the specific needs of patients are essential skills for health care professionals. This interactive multimedia learning program which uses text, audio and video to develop these skills. The program uses a scenario of a patient, an Australian citizen born in Mainland China, and is told from a nurse’s perspective – it’s based on experiences from practicing nurses. The program takes around 30 minutes to complete and provides resources in PDF format that the user can download and/or print, covering a range of topics including use of interpreters, Chinese herbal medicine and useful websites. |
Languages |
Mandarin and English |
To Order Copy |
Lisa Woodland/Astrid Perry T. 02 9382 3309 E. lisa.woodland@sesiahs.health.nsw.gov.au |