Healthy Women Active Women videos

The video series contains 4 Italian language films and 4 Arabic language short films of 1.5 minutes duration each. These strength based videos aim to serve as health literacy tool to motivate and engage CALD women to discuss, think about, and plan, beneficial physical activities in their daily lives as one way to reduce their risk of heart disease.Each video includes a woman telling her story of overcoming socio-cultural barriers to successfully integrate beneficial aerobic and/or resistance based physical activity in her daily life. Barriers discussed include; cultural gender norms, perceptions of ageing, low self-esteem and domestic violence, chronic pain management, depression from social isolation as a refugee and, settling into a new country.

Publication date: 2017/09/07 15:00:00 GMT+1

Last Reviewed Date:

Organisation: NSW Service for the Treatment and Rehabilitation of Torture and Trauma Survivors (STARTTS)

Audience: All

Tags: Women's Health, Exercise and overweight
