Anti smoking Epd 1 Restaurant Worker

This episode talks about how Chinese Restaurant Worker Project helps Chinese restaurant workers quit smoking. There are examples of how this project helped two Chinese restaurant workers quit smoking successfully.

 For more information and advice on quitting ring the Chinese Quitline on 1300 7848 36

Anti smoking Epd 2 Second Hand Smoking

This episode informs the harmful effects of second hand smoking, NSW Government's policy of expanding no smoking areas to populated outdoor areas and Cancer Council set up no smoking areas in two parks in the suburb of Penshhurst in Sydney.

For more information and advice on quitting ring the Chinese Quitline on 1300 7848 36

Anti smoking Epd 3

The episode talks about a quit smoking success story. It introduces services provided by Chinese Quitline and how it helps people to quit smoking.

For more information and advice on quitting ring the Chinese Quitline on 1300 7848 36

PF Anti smoking

This episode presents Mr Wong and Mr Lo's experiences with smoking and quitting journey, the harmful effects of smoking and how Chinese Quitline can help people to quit smoking.

 For more information and advice on quitting ring the Chinese Quitline on 1300 7848 36