Competition Information Pack | Contact Details


The NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service (MHCS) works together with Australian Better Health Initiative (ABHI) through NSW Health to develop and implement a healthy recipe competition targeting Chinese (Cantonese / Mandarin), Filipino, Italian, Samoan, Srilankan (Sinhalese / Tamil) and Tongan language communities.


Competition Information Pack

Contact Details

Language MHCS Contact Person MHCS Contact Number Organisation
Phone Number
Chinese Fang Shen 02 9816 0310 CASS
02 9789 4587
Filipino Jesusa Helaratne 02 9816 0306 PASCI
02 9672 3738
Italian Germana Morassi 02 9816 0303 Co.As.It.
02 9546 0744
Sinhalese & Tamil Jesusa Helaratne 02 9816 0306 Srilankan Association of NSW Inc
1800 082 979
Samoan Chris Gollan 02 9816 0545 Samoan Council
1800 112 954
Tongan Chris Gollan 02 9816 0545 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints Macarthur Stake - Macarthur Australia Stake
1800 091 424
This web page is managed and authorised by NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service. Last updated: 13 July, 2009