Invitation for HACC funded services to participate or work in partnership
Useful Links for CALD Volunteering Project
Campaign Resources
Looking for Chinese and Italian speakers?
Ageing, Disability and Home Care (ADHC) has funded an initiative to conduct a marketing campaign to attract Italian and Chinese speaking volunteers for Meals on Wheels and Community Transport service in the following regions: Sydney City, Inner West and South West regions.
This is part of a larger project investigating ways to attract and retain people from culturally and linguistically (CALD) diverse backgrounds.
The project is run by the Council of the Ageing (NSW), COTA, the University of New South Wales and the NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service (MHCS), which won the 2009 Community Relations Commission’s National Multicultural Marketing Award (government category) for its work in the disability sector and has also developed campaigns to promote Meals on Wheels to Chinese and Greek speakers in the Northern Sydney region.
Recently MHCS has also started working with key representatives from the Multicultural Access Projects (MAPs) in Metropolitan Sydney.
Specifically the project will:
1.1 Identify
Research in recruiting and sustaining OLDER CALD volunteers to the not for profit sector
Specific research Chinese and Italian ( over 50 years)
Good practice – capturing experience of organisations with CALD volunteers
1.2 Conduct a marketing/ promotion campaign to recruit volunteers for
Meals on Wheels, Community Transport, Tenant Connect, Volunteering NSW - Target Areas: City, Inner west, South west
Invitation for HACC funded services to participate or work in partnership
The Project is interested to hear from services that would like to be involved in increasing their CALD volunteers or reach out to CALD groups. The Project will build on previous work “Enriching HACC Services” Kit recruit, retain and manage volunteers from CALD backgrounds.
What is involved?
MHCS, with advice from the relevant MAPs project, will work your service to enhance your capacity to recruit, train and manage CALD volunteers.
- MHCS will promote your service to CALD communities
- MHCS will also work run workshops on Marketing and Promotion in your region
- A bilingual volunteer will be assigned to support your service from July 2011 to June 2012.
- Regular (monthly) meetings, consultations with your service will be held to monitor the progress of recruitment and retention of CALD volunteers
- Your service will be expected to collect data on Ethnicity of volunteers and provide monthly feedback on progress of promotion, CALD volunteers
We are looking to work with at least one service type from each region but can also provide support/ training to other services.
Useful Links for CALD Volunteering Project
Campaign Resources
- Community Transport - Iner West (English)
- Community Transport - (Traditional Chinese)
- Means on Wheels - City of Sydney (English)
- Means on Wheels - ACCA (Traditional Chinese)
- Chinese Australian Service Society (CASS) (English)
- Chinese Australian Service Society (CASS) (Traditional Chinese)
- Volunteering NSW (English)
- Bilingual Volunteers Needed - Co.As.It (English)
Looking for Chinese and Italian speakers?
We are also interested to hear from services in any part of NSW who may need Chinese and Italian speakers.
For more information please contact:
Michael Camit or Chris Gollan
NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service
Tel: 02 9816 03047
Email : or