Part B: Services need volunteers
Looking for Chinese and Italian speakers?
Part A Resources - Articles or websites
NO | Resource | Link |
1 | Subject Guide - Involving Volunteers from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds This guide contains online resources to help you build your knowledge about involving people from CALD backgrounds in your volunteering program, and improve your volunteering policies and practices. | |
2 | Patterns of volunteering in emerging communities It is a Submission in response to the Department for Victorian Communities discussion paper addressing the volunteering in CALD communities. | |
3 | Information Sheet - Involving Volunteers from Culturally and Linguistically Diverse Backgrounds An information sheet that provides tips for engaging with CALD communities, and for recruiting and managing volunteers from diverse backgrounds. | |
4 | Inviting Cultural Diversity in Volunteering The report outlines the key elements of the Inviting Cultural Diversity in Volunteering Project, such as aims, objectives. Also, the report discusses outcomes and the pilot mentor program and the results of the evaluation. |
5 | Older People and Volunteering - Produced for the Office for Volunteers A research project into older volunteering that was undertaken at the request of the Office for Volunteers. Its purpose was to scope out this area of volunteering in other settings and to consider them in the South Australian context, both with respect to government policy and organisational practice. | |
6 | Highly Skilled with Insufficient English : Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Volunteers Utilisation A project entitled “Highly Skilled with Insufficient English” CALD Volunteers Utilisation Research Project. The results of this study are intended to suggest strategies, which will assist organisations in using HSIE CALD volunteers by overcoming the communication challenges | |
7 | CALD Volunteer Resource Kit Community services are responding to a drop in volunteer numbers by promoting Home and Community Care (HACC) services who rely on volunteers to people from diverse cultural and linguistic backgrounds. The resource highlights that the volunteer landscape is significantly shifting which is having a major impact on volunteer dependant services. |
8 | National standards for best practice in the management of volunteers The National Standards for Involving Volunteers in Not for Profit Organisations (National Standards) have been developed by Volunteering Australia through a consultation process with volunteer-involving organisations and volunteers, and aim to promote a model of best practice in the management of volunteers.. | |
9 | Access and limitations of community services for older persons - A guide for the GP There is a range of affordable community services for older Australians. However, the system has limitations including long waiting lists in some areas and lack of continuity of care. This article is to provide a practical guide for the GP on available aged care community services; how to refer to them, how to recognise their limitations, and how to build partnerships to improve care. | |
10 | Highly Skilled with Insufficient English: Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) Volunteers Utilisation (June 2008) Initiated by The Centre for Volunteering (The Centre) this came about as a result of its research department becoming aware from various sources that the number of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) people wanting to volunteer was increasing and that a substantial number of people from CALD backgrounds were found to have difficulties communicating in English. | |
11 | Frontier of Opportunity: Critical Success Factors of Employee Volunteering Programs for the Small-to-Medium Not-for-Profit Sector research report and Employee Volunteer Programs Toolkit and Guide (May 2008) The Centre for Volunteering has been investigating best practice into how corporate Employee Volunteering Programs (EVPs) successfully connect with small-to-medium not-for-profit organisations. The results from this research have guided the development of a toolkit for NFP organisations wishing to set up or manage their own EVPs. | |
12 | The Supply and Demand of Volunteers in the Not-for-Profit sector of New South Wales Research Report (March 2010) A report by the Centre for Volunteering conducted an investigation into the supply and demand for volunteers in the not-for-profit (NFP) sector. The project combined a literature review, a summary of available Australian statistics, an analysis of trends and interviews with volunteer managers from four major NFP organisations. | /supply_and_demand_of_volunteers_research_report.asp
13 | Harvesting heterogeneity to attract volunteers: an investigation of alternative segmentation bases and approaches The purpose of the study was to gain insight into the volunteering market by investigating whether understanding of systematic heterogeneity among volunteers can be harvested to attract more volunteers from non-traditional groups within the community. | |
14 | Recognising and Celebrating Brimbank Diversity in Volunteering – (Presentation) Brimbank has the highest number of overseas born residents and residents who speak a language other than English of all municipalities in Victoria. Brimbank also has relatively low volunteering rates compared to other municipalities. To try to find gain a better cross-cultural understanding of volunteering in the local community context, Council commissioned research into CALD volunteering rates and related literature. | |
15 | Does cultural background affect volunteering behaviour The purpose of this qualitative investigation is to help non-profit organizations which rely heavily on the support of volunteers increase the effectiveness of their marketing by accounting for differences in cultural background among community members. It was conducted in the multi-cultural Australian context and included 79 participants from different cultural backgrounds. Findings indicate that as a whole, cultural groups differ significantly with respect to their attitudes, social norm and perceived behavioral control over volunteering. Non-profit organizations are unlikely to be successful in attracting volunteers from a range of different cultural backgrounds unless they account for heterogeneity among volunteers and customize marketing messages. | |
16 | Volunteer rights and volunteer checklist | |
17 | Training Manual: Recruiting and Supporting Volunteers from Diverse Cultural and Language Backgrounds A training manual that has been designed to enable trainers to deliver customised training to managers and others within volunteer-involving organisations which will help them to: lay the groundwork for recruiting new volunteers from diverse cultural and language backgrounds; develop an inclusive organisational culture and culturally sensitive practices; successfully recruit and retain volunteers from culturally diverse backgrounds. | |
18 | The Definition and Principles of Volunteering and Volunteer Rights and Volunteer Checklist Volunteering Australia has translated its Definition and Principles of Volunteering (provides a definition of formal volunteering and its underpinning principles) and its Volunteer Rights and Volunteer Checklist (an overview of volunteers' rights and some important points for volunteers to check off with their organisation before volunteering) into the following languages: Arabic, Cantonese, Dinka, Farsi, German, Greek, Hindi, Indonesian, Italian, Korean, Mandarin, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, Tamil and Vietnamese. |
19 | Skilled Diversity” Project Final Report – 2011: The Centre for Volunteering: Igniting Community Spirit A report on the Highly Skilled Culturally Diverse (HS CD) Volunteer Utilisation project that was designed to assist in promotional activities. The project’s primary audience was decision makers, such as CEOs, Executive Officers, Manager or Coordinators of Not for Profit organisations. The project sought to ensure that HS CD volunteers were socially included and could contribute to the organisation that recruited them in a meaningful and rewarding way for both parties. | |
Part B: Services need volunteers
NO | Services | Link |
1 | The Centre for Volunteering The Centre for Volunteering is the peak body in NSW promoting and supporting volunteering and community participation. | |
2 | Meals on Wheels Meals on Wheels provides a nutritionally balanced meal to frail, aged people, people with a disability, and their carers. This service enables people to be independent in their own homes for longer. In NSW, most Meals on Wheels services receive funding through the combined Commonwealth/State Home and Community Care (HACC) program to cover administrative costs. | |
3 | Inner West Community Transport Inner West Community Transport provides transport options for frail aged people, younger people with disabilities and their carers in our local community. We service the residents of Ashfield, Burwood, Canada Bay and Strathfield. | |
4 | Red Cross Volunteers make daily telephone calls to vulnerable and elderly clients to check on their safety and well being. For many it is the only conversation they may have each day. Calls are made from our call centres in Broadmeadow (Newcastle) and Parramatta | |
5 | Go Volunteer GoVolunteer is an initiative of Volunteering Australia and is Australia's first national volunteer recruitment website. It is a not-for-profit site that provides FREE Internet advertising for not-for-profit community organisations looking for volunteers. | |
6 | Christian Community Aid (CCA) Christian Community Aid (CCA) is a is a multi-purpose neighbourhood centre run by a community based board of directors. It was established by the Churches in the Ryde – Eastwood – Epping areas in 1965, and this support continues today. Much of the work of CCA would not be possible without the efforts of some 665 volunteers. *Mandarin or Cantonese and English speaker are welcome | |
7 | Carers NSW Carers NSW is an association for relatives and friends caring for people with a disability, mental illness, drug and alcohol dependencies, chronic condition, terminal illness or who are frail. They are the peak organisation for carers in New South Wales and the only state-wide organisation that has carers as its primary focus. Carers NSW is a non-government, non-profit, non-political organisation incorporated under the Associations Incorporation Act (NSW), governed by a volunteer Board of Directors. | |
8 | Volunteer Network Volunteer Network is a Resource Centre funded by HACC (Home and Community Care), auspiced by Burwood Council. We have been located at Woodstock Community Centre since 2003. They are primarily a program for HACC like organisations who utilize volunteers in the provision of their services and for people from within the Inner Western Sydney who are seeking to volunteer. The Local Government areas covered by Volunteer Network are Burwood; Strathfield; Ashfield; Leichhardt and Canada Bay and includes areas such as a Five Dock; Drummoyne; Concord; Croydon and Homebush. Their primary role is to recruit, interview and refer people seeking to volunteer to organisations through training and information regarding best practice. | |
9 | Australian League of Immigration Volunteers (ALIV) Australian League of Immigration Volunteers (ALIV) improves the lives of children and families with Bridging Visas and those living in Community Detention. ALIV programs provide essential recreational and developmental opportunities for children, families and adults which ease loneliness and isolation and improve physical and mental health. * Cantonese and Persian/Farsi Speaking Volunteers are needed. | |
10 | Cancer Council Cancer Council NSW is a community funded, community focused cancer charity dedicated to the defeat of cancer. Cancer Council NSW has a range of volunteer roles requiring different amounts of time – from full-time placements, to an afternoon a week or one-off events. | |
Looking for Chinese and Italian speakers?
We are also interested to hear from services in any part of NSW who may need Chinese and Italian speakers.
For more information please contact:
Michael Camit or Chris Gollan
NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service
Tel: 02 9816 03047
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