Multicultural Health Research

Name of the Research


Death, Dying and bereavement Practices
Summary of Research

'Death, Dying and Bereavement Practices' is a resource book recently produced in the Hunter based on focused interviews with significant ethnic community groups exploring their attitudes and beliefs.

The aim of the work was to develop a resource to be used by health professionals when providing care for people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

 The report includes

•             A personal or group assessment of the cohesion of the migrant group

•             Attitudes to the care and management of the terminally ill

•             Attitudes to their own death

•             Attitudes to interventions to prolong life

•             A record of the religious preparations for death

•             Care given to the body of the dead including issues related to autopsy and organ donation

•             Mourning practices being used by communities.

Representatives from the following ethnic and religious groups were included in our study:

Greek, Italian, Macedonian, Filipino, Russian, Vietnamese, Polish, Latin American, Tibetan, Korean and members of the local Mosques.

Ethnic communities Included in the Research

Greek, Italian, Macedonian, Filipino, Russian, Vietnamese, Polish, Latin American, Tibetan, Korean and Muslim Mosque members. We also interviewed significant community leaders such as the Samoan Presbyterian priest, Polish Catholic priest, Greek, Ukrainian and Macedon Orthodox priests, a Hebrew leader and a multicultural funeral director.

Research Organisation Name

Hunter New England Local District, Multicultural Health Service



Contact Name

Catherine Norman

Dominique Nyilas


Book has been developed to be used as a resource for health professionals when providing care for people from culturally and linguistically diverse background.

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