The NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service (MHCS) has been working with the NSW Ministry of Health since 2009 on the dissemination of information for the Get Healthy Information and Coaching Service to culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities in NSW.
The project aimed to increase awareness of the Get Healthy Service among people from CALD communities by increasing awareness of the Get Healthy Service among Primary and Allied Health professionals delivering health care services to CALD populations
The three targeted communities are the Filipino, Indian and Sri Lankan groups that have high levels of fluency in the English language. The Get Healthy Service is a free telephone service staffed by qualified health coaches aimed at supporting adults at risk of developing chronic diseases, in making lifestyle changes regarding:
- Healthy eating
- Physical activity
- Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight
Promotional Material
Get Healthy Posters / Print Ads in English targeting the following language groups:
Get Healthy Brochures:
For more information please contact MHCS on T. 02 87535047.