30 minutes every two years can offer peace of mind

It is important for women to have regular screenings for breast cancer, especially if you are above 50 years of age.  Early detection can save lives. And women who are older are at higher risk.

If you have had a mammogram  make sure you have had a follow up screen, at least 2 years after your first screen.

If you have never had a mammogram, find out the facts at www.bsnsw.org.au

Women aged 50-74 can book a FREE screen at BreastScreen NSW

Call 13 20 50. For the assistance of an interpreter, ring 13 14 50.

The Pink Sari Project specifically recognises that there may be a lack of awareness, and perhaps even certain cultural beliefs, Indian and Sri Lankan communities that have resulted in lower breast screening rates, so if you are a part of this community, you are strongly encouraged to get involved. Register to support the project.